When suffering comes your way, how do you respond?

Some people look the other way, while others delve into toxic behaviors to try to numb the discomfort. The truth is today’s culture has been conditioned to believe that suffering is bad.  No one wants to experience hardships in their lives. In fact, even those within the church remain open-handed for God’s miracles, blessings, and breakthroughs while being quick to have closed fists anytime a speed bump is on the horizon.  But did you know that suffering is pivotal to the Christian walk? Turns out it is the very vehicle God uses to prepare you for that which He has called you to do! 


1 Peter: A Word of Caution

Suffering is a part of the Christian journey if you are going to be made mature and have an impact. Peter, the author of 1 Peter, knew this all too well, and through his experiences and observations, he wrote an entire Epistle about suffering! 

1 Peter 1 is about various trials in your personal life.

1 Peter 2 covers suffering in your work, home, and relationships. 

1 Peter 3 talks about how you should live holy lives in the midst of suffering.

1 Peter 4 encourages the Church not to consider suffering a foreign characteristic of life in Christ.

1 Peter 5 warns believers about how the enemy desires to bring upon suffering.

Suffering should be viewed as a sign of progress. Take heart; if you are in a season of tribulation, it means God is taking you somewhere! 


The Enemy’s Attack

“Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

1 Peter 5:6-8, NKJV

God is sovereign in all things—even in our suffering. While that is true, most of it comes with the objective of growing into spiritual maturity, while other circumstances are a result of the enemy wanting to devour you. He wants nothing more than to steal the shout, worship, and confidence of God’s children. So even when the devil is adamant about adding his two cents to a situation, your assignment is to still give God praise!


You Aren’t Alone

“Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.”


1 Peter 5:9, NKJV

I know it may feel as if you are all alone; however, God’s word tells us otherwise. Each and every one of God’s chosen ones are encountering a hardship season at any given point in their lives. Rejoice! You aren’t being singled out, and you aren’t alone. Lift your eyes to the One who is mighty and raise your hands in praise because even if you don’t like where you are, you better believe He is going to make a way!

Remember, you can be honest with God. He welcomes it! Tell Him how you feel and then leave it at His throne. Because He is making a way for you to encounter complete wholeness. 

4 Benefits of Suffering

1 Peter 5:10, NKJV, says,

“But may the God of all grace, who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you.”


The good news is that suffering will happen—but God! (When God puts His but in it, a shift is coming!) There will be drama and unpleasantries, but after, there will be grace! And God will provide everything you need to get through whatever you are going through. 

What does God’s grace do? It gives us the power to be and to do. It allows us to rise up from the pit of darkness into eternal glory, and it starts right on this side of heaven. 


Stay the Course

Far too often, as we are in the thick of our hardship, it can feel like it will never end. However, be encouraged; God promises that the suffering will end! Even though the pain, tears, stress, and rejection show no end in sight, God tells us that it will eventually halt, and when you come out of it, it will benefit you. 

Remember, Suffering Street is not your destination, but in order to get to Blessing Boulevard, you must follow the map. If you try to take a detour away from the pain by quitting your church, marriage, or job, you won’t glean what God is teaching you in the suffering. And instead of arriving sooner, you will create roadblocks in the process. 

So, how can we expect God to redeem our suffering? Let’s look at four ways. 


1: Suffering Perfects You


The Greek word teleios means to thoroughly reach an end or perfect. When God brings you out of suffering, it is as a means to make you whole. 


My wife and I had the opportunity to travel to Dallas, Texas, to appear on Daystar Television Network. Before our segment, the makeup artists informed my wife and me that we would go to make-up before we were taken to the stage. Well, naturally, my wife went back first, but about halfway through, I was taken back to make-up. When I entered the room, they weren’t quite finished with her, and in the incomplete process, she looked ridiculous. Can you imagine how inadequate we would look had we sat in our place in front of the camera with only half of our faces done?

Some of you have walked out on your suffering sessions, and God isn’t quite finished with you yet. Saints learn to sit patiently in the chair. Because when He is finished with you, you will be restored, and the work God is doing in you will be made complete!


2: Suffering Establishes You


Some of you are so lost in the decision of life—Where will I live? Who will I marry? Which direction should I go in?—that you can’t quite hear the voice of God. 

Did you know that when you come out on the other side of your suffering, more times than not, you receive the clarity you were looking for? It is essential to embrace your hardships because God promises to give you a sense of direction and establish you!

The enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy, and he wants nothing more than to cause you to question God. However, as you embrace the trials before you, in the end, you will realize that God is good and He never leaves or forsakes us. And how do I know this? Because looking back at my own sufferings, the prevalent thread of God’s presence is evident, and what He has done for me, He will certainly do for you! 

God will establish you in His will. 


3: Suffering Strengthens You


Strength can come in many facets. You grow in physical strength when you practice exercising your muscles. You grow in intellectual strength when you study particular topics.  And God gives you strong, righteous thinking and healthy emotions when you endure spiritual trials. There are seasons of life where we won’t feel right. That’s biology! However, when we remain grounded in the One who can sustain us and strengthen our faith muscles, we learn a new response. God uses the hard things in our lives to give us an opportunity to focus on Him and His Kingdom, which ultimately produces strong faith!


4: Suffering Settles You


Through suffering, God gives your foundation supernatural stability that can’t be shaken. And when you are stable, you are settled in God. 

Peter wrote about suffering for almost five chapters before he reached 1 Peter 5:10. How important do you think suffering is to God? Church, I pray that you will embrace and accept your affliction because God has a Kingdom purpose for it. And the benefits will far outweigh any suffering you will endure.


Father, thank you for your good and perfect plan in our suffering. We know that in everything we encounter, there is purpose. Encourage our hearts and remind us that even in our dark valleys, you are lighting our paths. God, we praise you and choose steadfast joy because our suffering won’t last forever. Remind us that even in the tears and frustration, You are creating new hearts of flesh and molding us to represent Your Son, Jesus Christ. Give us steadfast spirits that align with all you want to accomplish in our lives. We give You the glory, honor, and praise, and we bless You in the midst of it all. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.


For more on suffering, check our Pastor John K. Jenkins, Sr.’s sermon: Benefits of Suffering.

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