How is your relationship with money? For some, it is a means of abundance, while for others, it is a source of struggle. The second part of Ecclesiastes 10:19 in the New King James Version says, “But money answers everything.” 

Do you believe it?

I believe God continues to abundantly bless the First Baptist Church of Glenarden because of how we manage the resources He has given to us. Since I have been the pastor of this congregation, with the Lord’s direction, we have paid off two mortgages—in cash. Not only that, but we also have a team of leaders who are unified on the principles of how money should be spent. (And how many of you know that unity is considered a blessing from God?)

But church, regardless of where you stand in your finances, there is one thing I know to be true: what God does for His house, He can do for your house, too.


Financial Planning Starts With a Budget

Proverbs 21:20, NKJV says, “There is desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man squanders his.” God’s word is clear: abundance comes to those who are wise in their planning. One tangible way we can be great stewards of what God has given us is through the tool of budgeting.

When I became the pastor of FBCG, the church didn’t have a working budget in place. As a matter of fact, since 1990, it has never seen a budget! When I came on as pastor, we began to operate with a financial plan, and since then, we have witnessed and can recognize God’s favor.

The Key to Budgeting Well

It is financially problematic not to have a plan for the money and resources God gives you. Some of you are aware of your finances and can loosely estimate what your expenses are, but when it comes to a specific and detailed black-and-white budget, you are blind.

Many times, when people are experiencing financial pain and strife, they claim, “The Lord will make a way!” I wholeheartedly believe that. However, God is not a fast food drive-through window or a genie to be beckoned when you are in need. And if you believe that it is in God’s will for you to obligate your spending well above your income, then, unfortunately, you are mistaken.

Can I boldly declare that it is ungodly to plan to spend $60,000 a year while only bringing in $50,000? We must be intentional with a plan, and God’s favor will, without a doubt, follow. 

One word of wisdom that has worked well in my family’s finances and the resources of our church is to spend less than you take in. Make it a habit to budget and account for each paycheck. 


Why Budgeting is Important

You may be wondering, “Pastor, why is having a budget so important?” I believe it is one of the tangible steps toward financial freedom and healing, and it makes space for God to flourish us in generosity. 

Let’s contemplate four reasons why budgeting is important. 

Consider the Cost (Luke 14:28-30)

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he had enough to finish it—lest, after he had laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?”

Luke 14:28-30, NKJV

In this gospel, Jesus commands us to count the cost. In other words, He is asking us to consider our income against our obligations. When we do this, we recognize that in our estimations, we aren’t properly calculating our income to spending. So what do we do? We create a budget outlining our expenses, such as housing, utilities, food, and other things we need to survive. After creating this financial map, it is not uncommon to find a surplus of things you are paying for that you just don’t need. 

Far too many of us are held captive to the habit of spending money we don’t have with the hope that, somehow, the Lord will make a way. We have fallen prey to consumerism that persuades us to buy one more handbag, one more pair of shoes, another streaming service, and just one more fast food coffee on the way to work. 

Now, it’s okay to purchase these things—if you can afford them. Be cautious with your spending. Are you charging purchases to your credit cards making commitments to spend money you don’t have yet? Is all your spending necessary?

Saints, consider the cost.


Develop a Plan (Proverbs 24:27)

“Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house.”

Proverbs 24:27, NKJV

A while back, I counseled a family that was in trouble with their mortgage. You see, their financial circumstances had changed, and the husband lost his job, resulting in a lower-paying job. And while they struggled to do everything they could to save their home, they realized they needed a plan. 

Once we budgeted their new income amount, they quickly realized that based on their current salaries, they could no longer afford the home they just bought. As they developed a new plan, they realized with the positive equity in their home, they could sell it and have enough left over to eliminate their debt and start fresh. 

Church, circumstances change, and sometimes the brook just dries up. It is okay to start over, but you must have a plan. I encourage you to evaluate your current financial situation. Are you moving towards building more debt, or are you building a life of financial freedom for yourself and the generations to come?

Create a budget and move toward financial healing.


Proper Plans Lead to Profit—Haste Leads to Poverty (Proverbs 21:5)

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.”

Proverbs 21:5, NKJV

What does it mean to be hasty? At first glance, many of us would not think of ourselves in this way, but it actually is more common than you think. 

Have you ever gone to the mall, noticed your favorite department store was having a great sale, and so you purchased yourself something you didn’t intend to buy? That is financial haste.

One evening, after coming home from work, my wonderful wife shared that she had saved me money that day. Now, I immediately thought about our bank account with $200 in it, and I began calculating how much we would have once I added the amount she saved. Come to find out, she actually went to the bank and took that money out to spend it on something that was on sale! 


To be hasty is to spend money on something you didn’t plan for. It is the spur-of-the-moment deals, movies with friends, and restaurant meals because you didn’t feel like cooking. 

Let me be clear: spending money is perfectly fine if you are spending from the budget you made for that very thing. As you are considering your plan, it is perfectly acceptable to make space for a gift budget, a fun activities budget, and a dining out budget. Creating a plan keeps us from stumbling financially. 


A Wise Man Thinks Ahead (Proverbs 13:16)

“Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool lays open his folly.”

Proverbs 13:16, NKJV

When it comes to our finances, we must be people of wisdom. 

Finances are cyclical. You will have seasons of prosperity and seasons of lack.  We must be aware that we will not always have seasons of plenty. Regardless of who you are and what your career is, life naturally has ups and downs. It is when we don’t make preparations for the valleys as we are standing on the mountaintop that we will encounter trouble. 

Last year, our team at FBCG learned that the four air conditioning units in our main worship center needed to be replaced. We learned shortly after that that particular model was no longer in production and the repairs would be difficult. Because of this, we learned it would cost us around four million dollars. Well, one of our members was able to find the exact units we needed for half of that cost, and with that, we had cash to move forward. 

As you create your budget, create a margin for the valleys, and when you are bringing in abundance, prepare for the times of lack. 

Budgeting is biblical, and when we live by the word of God, we will encounter His mercy, favor, and freedom in every aspect of our lives. 

Father, teach us how to budget the resources you have made available to us today. Convict our hearts, and may we follow your voice and your ways as we craft a developed plan. Show us our unnecessary expenses and lead us down a financial road that honors you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

For more on budgeting, check out Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.’s sermon, Financial Freedom: Budgeting.

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