How do you handle life’s trials and hardships?
The truth is we all will experience hard seasons within our lifetimes. However, we don’t have to figure things out alone. In fact, God has a prescription for you and for me.
Effects of a Productive Prescription
The Lord has been so faithful in my healing. Having once been unhealthy at 175 pounds, God helped me to lose twenty pounds of excess weight, and through His direction, I regained my physical health. During that season of my life, I struggled with diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidneys that were starting to fail. But my lifestyle change didn’t come just from claiming it over my life; it required action.
I made an appointment with my primary care physician, and after my appointment, he referred me to a nephrologist—a doctor specializing in kidney care. I was then put on a small dose of medication and handed a word of encouragement and hope that she believed my kidneys could be saved, but it would require a lifestyle change. So, I made an appointment with a nutritionist.
After my appointment with my dietitian, I came away with a list of what I should eat and what I should begin eliminating. (Now, I had already cut Twinkies out of my life, but just doing that showed no significant change.) There were things I was eating that, when consumed, were converting into sugar, causing my blood sugar to spike, leading to inflammation. This was a challenge for me because I was being asked to eliminate bread, corn, and rice—now, this was hard because I love bread and shrimp fried rice. In their place, I was to consume things I didn’t like, such as salads (so many salads!), greens, and plain water. And wouldn’t you know, after some time, an amazing thing happened: I lost weight, my blood sugar levels dropped, and my high blood pressure stabilized. These doctors collectively prescribed how to improve my circumstances.
We live in a culture where people desire healing and provision, but they don’t care to abide by the prescription. Do you think I wanted to give up all my favorite foods? Of course not, but it was necessary so that I could live the most optimum life possible. The truth is, we all are struggling with something, whether it be sickness or marital problems, addictions or financial hardships—we all have seasons where we endure something that is causing all hell to break loose.
What in your life is ailing you right now? Be encouraged; God has a prescription for you.
God’s Prescription for Our Problems
Paul, the author of Philippians, is writing to a church he founded and loved. At the time of this writing, he is away from them, in prison, and even in his circumstances, he is writing to them about their problems. (Now, I don’t know about you, but if anyone had the right to complain, it would be Paul who was locked up for preaching the Gospel!)
Yet, God uses Paul to encourage and strengthen the church of Philippi and, in the same way, encourages us today. Together, let’s look at how we can partner with our Great Physician and the three prescriptions He has given us as we face hardship.
Approach Your Problems With the Right Attitude (Philippians 4:4,6)
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4, NKJV
Regardless of what we are going through, we must learn how to partner with the joy of the Lord. You see, approaching our problems with the right spirit is essential.
Have you ever met someone who complains about every single thing in their life that has gone off the rails? If we aren’t careful, it can drain us and cause our attitudes to head in the same direction.
Now, you may ask, “Pastor, how can I rejoice when everything around me is falling apart?” Well, I believe it comes down to partnering with this one truth: all things work together for the good of those who love God.
In every season and circumstance, God orchestrates the events we experience, and even though we don’t know the outcome, we can be assured that God has our best interests in mind. As a matter of fact, God would never allow anything to enter our lives that He hasn’t already signed off on. (Be encouraged, saints; if God has signed off on it, it means He has already put within you the capacity needed to endure whatever it is!)
Rejoice always.
Be Anxious For Nothing
Have your thoughts ever been consumed by the problems around you? Maybe you have had a hard time falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night wondering how that situation will get better. Perhaps you spend the entirety of your day milling about how you will fix an issue. But that is not the life God intends for us to live. He has a much better plan for you.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6, NKJV
No matter what you’re facing, we are commanded to be anxious about nothing. (Do you know what the word nothing means? It means not-even-one-thing!)
This definition covers all aspects: do not worry about one challenge, one issue, or one concern. Do not dwell on one disagreement or one obstacle. God commands us not to be consumed by anything. And do you know why?
The Scriptures tell us that God never slumbers, and His eye is continually to and fro. So if God never sleeps, what good is it for you and me to lie awake at night worrying about what ails us? Let Him take care of it!
Take the Right Actions (Philippians 4:6)
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6, NKJV
In everything we experience, we must pray.
Proseuche, the Greek word for prayer, means to worship. How much time do you spend praising God for who He is when you are praying? Whenever we experience a hardship, we are commanded to go straight to God, giving Him the dilemma we’re in while simultaneously giving Him the worship He is due.
Before casting your cares on Him, spend time worshiping Him. He is worthy of your praise despite your anger, pain, and all you have gone through. Bless the Lord at all times; He is worthy!
Now, I may not know your name, where you live, or your history, but one thing I am certain of: God has done something for you. He has answered a prayer, healed you, or delivered you from a situation. No one is exempt from experiencing tribulations, and no one is far too gone to forfeit the goodness of God; give Him praise!
Make Your Requests Known
God, the maker of heaven and earth, already knows what we need, so why are we asking Him to intervene?
Some of us spend time in prayer, informing God of the situation at hand—“Lord, sister Jones is sick”—as if God doesn’t already know.
Matthew 6:8, in the NKJV, says, “For your Father knows the things you need of before you ask Him.”
If you want healing, request it.
If you need reconciliation, ask for it.
If you have a problem, come to Him and ask.
The After Effect (Philippians 4:7)
Once you have the right attitude and have followed the right prescription, God promises one thing:
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7, NKJV
The word peace in this verse means God will join you to His prosperity. This peace will be so incredible and unexplainable that it will surpass all human understanding. I believe God will give you such shalom within the hardship you are enduring that those around you won’t understand why you aren’t worrying.
You may not have enough money to pay your bills, but you are calm because God is with you.
You may be experiencing a relationship gone awry, but you are okay because God sees you.
You may have received troubling news at your doctor’s appointment, but you are steadfast because nothing surprises your God.
The peace of God is prevalent beyond human comprehension. It excels beyond our thoughts, feelings, and will for our lives. Church, you have stayed up all night long for the last time. Now is the time to be and stay connected to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The peace He offers will guard the gates of your heart, mind, and spirit. Rejoice always, worship the true living God, and seek Him first. Let’s pursue wholeness and follow what the Doctor ordered.
Let’s live with unexplainable peace.
For more on how to encounter problems with God, check our Pastor John K. Jenkins, Sr.’s sermon, God’s Prescription for Your Problems.